Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Day

This was the first year that Jerry and I did not spend Thanksgiving in either Aiken or Philly, so we were determined to cook our own Thanksgiving feast. Jerry was in charge of the turkey, and I prepared all of the sides. (Nar's recipes, of course) See the turkey below... and yes, that is a Pepsi can up his booty. Oh, and by the way we named the turkey Zamboni in honor of our Governor miss Sarah Palin.

Everything was fantastic, and we had a great day! The food was good, but there was way too much. I think next year we need about 10 people over to eat all of the food that we made. Leftovers are good, though! Mmmmmmm :)

We also put up our Christmas tree, though we're still in the process of decorating it. (see my webshots) We also put up our stockings and a few other decorations. Love this time of year!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving together! I'm impressed with all of the cooking you guys did. I couldn't find the pictures of the tree, but your stockings look pretty! Do you think you'll have the White Christmas we grew up hoping for in Aiken?